Saturday, June 25, 2016

Hurry Up and Wait...

Well surrogacy is full of "hurry up and wait."  I'm trying to keep preoccupied until the ultrasound.  I guess being in the surrogacy world for as long as I have (12 years now) can make you paranoid, as you know anything can happen.  I keep taking tests just to make sure the lines are still dark...and they are.  In fact, the test line came up before the control line this morning!  It seems Anna Banana Rainbow is doing just fine, but it's my job to worry about her for now.

I'm feeling pregnant, as I'm extremely tired.  My breasts are sore.  And I'm already getting occasional cravings.  No morning sickness yet and I'm thankful for that.  However, I have yet to go through a pregnancy without it, so I'm sure it will be here soon.  My pants are already tight, as the medications make me bloat.  And, after 7 previous babies, my body just says, "Oh?  This again?" and my uterus relaxes and I pop much quicker.  I'm eager to look "cute pregnant" and not just "fat."

It still seems surreal sometimes, that I'm actually going through another journey.  I'm a little freaked out about delivery (I usually am at this point), but I know excitement will replace the fear over time.  I'm so extremely blessed that God and another wonderful family have chosen me to be a part of this amazing experience!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Well here I go again...

So everyone thought I was "done" carrying babies? Not quite yet! I have felt for awhile that I am still meant to help another family and so here I am! We transferred one beautiful hatching baby girl on June 9, 2016.
The clinic we are using doesn't require injections; so after so many rounds of IVF, I am pleased to get a break this go round! So, as usual, I have been testing with home pregnancy tests. We got the first positive at 4dp5dt, which is quite early. We took an early beta at 5dp5dt and it was only 10. So I kept testing to make sure the lines were getting darker and they have been! I'm really amused by these new tests that tell you how many weeks from conception you should be. Our first official beta was Monday at 11dp5dt and it was 232! And today was the final beta at 13dp5dt and it was 526! Great news!
We have scheduled the first sonogram for July 5th, just to make sure the sac is in the uterus. I have faith this baby girl is right where she needs to be and will be blessing her parents come February. Oh, she already has a name: Anna. But, as always, I have a nickname for her: Anna Banana Rainbow. Anna Banana Rainbow's due date is February 25, 2017.