Monday, September 5, 2016

15 weeks!

It's been awhile since I have posted.  We are now 15 weeks, 2 days and things are going well.  Nausea still hits occasionally, usually on days I try to sleep in.  I'm learning the key is to get up early if I want to function that day.  I had an ultrasound at Birth Choice Oklahoma at 9 weeks, 5 days.  They have a program where pregnant women can volunteer for ultrasounds so their new techs get practice.  Hey, it's a win/win!  Here's baby Anna back at the end of July:

She still looked kinda like a gummy bear then, but I know she's much bigger now!  I can feel her occasionally and it's very easy to find her heartbeat with my doppler.  I apparently look much bigger to everyone else, as I hear about how pregnant I look quite often.  It still seems surreal I'm doing this again, but I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to assist God in another miracle.